[rabbitmq-discuss] Problems while trying interoperability

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Wed Aug 22 18:11:01 BST 2007

Matthias Radestock wrote:

> And there is nothing unusual in the rabbit.log either?

Ah, I have just noticed that you attached the rabbit.log in your 
previous message.

This shows the error

VHost access refused: no mapping for User <<"guest">>, VHost <<"/data">>

Are you sure "/data" is the VHost you want to use? I am asking because 
"/data" is the name of a pre-defined realm so perhaps some of the 
connection parameters got mixed up.

Anyway, if you see the above error, and the VHost is correct, use 
rabbitmqctl to grant the user access to the VHost, e.g.

   rabbitmqctl map_user_vhost <username> <vhostpath>

and give the user appropriate permissions to access realm, usually the 
"/data" realm, e.g.

   rabbitmqctl set_permissions <username> <vhostpath> /data all



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