[rabbitmq-discuss] Problems while trying interoperability

Robert Godfrey rob.j.godfrey at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 10:08:13 BST 2007

Hi, at some point I added implementations of access ticket to the Qpid
client to allow us to interoperate with the RabbitMQ broker... if the code
has disappeared I can put it back in.

At present Qpid does not implement the access ticket / realm parts of AMQP.

Hope this helps,

On 16/08/07, Matthias Radestock <matthias at lshift.net> wrote:
> Tanmay,
> Goel, Tanmay wrote:
> > when I try to run a RabbitMQ client (attached,
> > SimpleProducer.java) against Qpid broker (with the default configuration
> > provided when I first downloaded it, no change), I get the following
> > exception. The exception is thrown on this like of code: *
> >
> > *int ticket = ch.accessRequest("/test");*
> >
> > *Intuitively, this method is not provided by the Qpid broker. Is it?*
> You are probably right and this method is indeed unimplemented in Qpid.
> It certainly wasn't when we ran the tests ~6 months ago, as noted in
> http://www.rabbitmq.com/interoperability.html
> You can probably just skip that request and use a ticket number of 0,
> with RabbitMQ's lax_mode enabled (which it is by default - see above
> page).
> > *Also, there is no "client-name" passed as a parameter at the time of
> > establishing connection to the RabbitMQ connection constructor but is
> > passed to the Qpid connection constructor. If and how will this effect?*
> I have no idea what the "client-name" value is for. Perhaps the QPid
> client passes that value as part of the peer properties exchanged during
> connection negotiation, in which case it's informational only, i.e. it
> shouldn't affect the behaviour.
> > *Alternatively, when I tried to run a Qpid client against a RabbitMQ
> > broker (again, with the default settings, virtual hosts, etc). I got the
> > following error message at the first line of code: _connection = new
> > AMQConnection("localhost", 5672, "guest", "guest", "clientid",
> "/data");*
> What do the RabbitMQ server logs (stdout, rabbit.log, rabbit-sasl.log)
> say?
> What version of QPid are you running? The M1 release?
> Regards,
> Matthias.
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