[rabbitmq-discuss] Problems while trying interoperability

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Thu Aug 16 08:35:29 BST 2007


Goel, Tanmay wrote:
> when I try to run a RabbitMQ client (attached, 
> SimpleProducer.java) against Qpid broker (with the default configuration 
> provided when I first downloaded it, no change), I get the following 
> exception. The exception is thrown on this like of code: *
> *int ticket = ch.accessRequest("/test");*
> *Intuitively, this method is not provided by the Qpid broker. Is it?*

You are probably right and this method is indeed unimplemented in Qpid. 
It certainly wasn't when we ran the tests ~6 months ago, as noted in

You can probably just skip that request and use a ticket number of 0, 
with RabbitMQ's lax_mode enabled (which it is by default - see above page).

> *Also, there is no “client-name” passed as a parameter at the time of 
> establishing connection to the RabbitMQ connection constructor but is 
> passed to the Qpid connection constructor. If and how will this effect?*

I have no idea what the "client-name" value is for. Perhaps the QPid 
client passes that value as part of the peer properties exchanged during 
connection negotiation, in which case it's informational only, i.e. it 
shouldn't affect the behaviour.

> *Alternatively, when I tried to run a Qpid client against a RabbitMQ 
> broker (again, with the default settings, virtual hosts, etc). I got the 
> following error message at the first line of code: _connection = new 
> AMQConnection("localhost", 5672, "guest", "guest", "clientid", "/data");*

What do the RabbitMQ server logs (stdout, rabbit.log, rabbit-sasl.log) say?

What version of QPid are you running? The M1 release?



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