[rabbitmq-discuss] Error while starting server

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Wed Aug 15 18:58:14 BST 2007


"Goel, Tanmay" <tanmay.goel at intel.com> writes:

> Yes, here they are.

Congratulations. You have found a bug!

It's a simple arity error when attempting to redeliver persistet
messages after a restart.

The fix for the bug will be in the next release.

Meanwhile, the easiest workaround to get you up and running again is to
delete the existing persistet messages, assuming of course that you can
afford to lose them. To do so just delete the rabbit_persister.LOG and
rabbit_persister.LOG.previous files. These normally reside in
C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\rabbitmq\rabbit-mnesia.



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