[rabbitmq-discuss] Memory leak in STOMP connector or federation?

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Wed May 21 13:24:10 BST 2014

On 21 May 2014 at 16:20:29, Tomas Doran (bobtfish at bobtfish.net) wrote:
> > I’d expect it to be at ~ 100Mb after 6-8 hours. It’s sloooow. :(  
> I’m seeing _much faster_ leak rates in production (probably  
> due to the fact I have 400+ clients, not 10).

OK, can you tell me how I can increase the # of mcollectives in the VM
to 100 (or however many is realistic to run in a 2-4 GB VM)?
I'm a Chef guy, so unfortunately I know next to nothing about Puppet. Is there
an attribute I can set via Vagrantfile?

Have you tried inspecting memory breakdown via sudo rabbitmqctl status
to see what section grows fastest/largest? 

Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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