[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ and batch processing

Greg Poirier greg.poirier at opower.com
Tue May 20 18:49:52 BST 2014

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 5:09 AM, Laing, Michael
<michael.laing at nytimes.com>wrote:

> 'cache_push' and 'cache_pull' are currently done in the central
> (switching) core in parallel with other operations. They will be run on our
> autoscaling edge nodes also as soon as demand warrants. The clients never
> work directly with the cache and, in fact, we have used DynamoDB, Riak,
> etc. in the past as implementations. We are happiest w Cassandra because it
> is very fast, free to use, easy to manage, and scales.

Ah. So if I'm understanding correctly, cache_push and cache_pull are
effectively microservices?

To be clear, each of our python services is quite small and focused: they
> subscribe to one or a few queues and publish to an exchange or 2. So
> 'cache_pull' and 'cache_push', and our other services, are not libraries
> others use, they are services that respond only via AMQP. Hence they are
> 'black boxes', with internals hidden, and are easy to test.

 Thanks again for all of the clarification. It has been immensely helpful.
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