[rabbitmq-discuss] Replacing the management plugin default port

Kyle O'Donnell kyleo at 0b10.mx
Thu Jan 30 15:54:45 GMT 2014

i think you might need to disable the old port:

  [{listener, [{port, 15672}

----- Original Message -----
From: "rails" <stammailbox at gmail.com>
To: rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 10:41:37 AM
Subject: [rabbitmq-discuss] Replacing the management plugin default port

I am running 3 instances of rabbit in my windows computer (to learn about clustering) 
I am trying activate the managment plugin for all three instances. 

I have updated the batch file and the instances are loaded each with the management plugin. 
but not together. 
I need to change the default port. 

So I renamed rabbitmq.config.example to rabbitmq.config (in ..\rabbitmq_server-3.2.2\etc) 

And I have replaced all of the text under 

[%% Pre-Load schema definitions from the following JSON file. See 

%% {listener, [{port, 12345}, 
%% {ip, ""}, 
%% {ssl, true}, 
%% {ssl_opts, [{cacertfile, "/path/to/cacert.pem"}, 
%% {certfile, "/path/to/cert.pem"}, 
%% {keyfile, "/path/to/key.pem"}]}]}, 


with the following: 

{listener, [{port, 5690}]} 

But still I was able to connect to the ui through 15672 (default) only. 

What did I do wrong? 

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