[rabbitmq-discuss] Rabbitmq 3.2.4 running out of memory

srikanth tns srikanthtns at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 16:59:53 BST 2014


Can someone please let us know wht we need to do ?

we are getting out of memory errors in the rabbitmq 3.2.4 when we are
trying to access rabbitmq on port 15672 using connections api . The script
calls curl via shell console.

curl -i -s --connect-timeout 5 -u admin:changeme http://

This curl call is made from many hosts at same to get the number of
connections running on rabbitmq and we see the connections are blocked on
this port.

netstat -tan | grep ':15672' | awk '{print $6 }' | sort | uniq -c
      3 CLOSE_WAIT
      1 LISTEN
     10 TIME_WAIT


Logs show this:

vm_memory_high_watermark set. Memory used:14888001288  allowed:11753753804

=WARNING REPORT==== 26-Aug-2014::05:58:18  ===
memory resource limit alarm set on node  rabbit at adsmv0019.

***  Publishers will be blocked until this alarm clears  ***

=INFO REPORT====  26-Aug-2014::05:58:20 ===
vm_memory_high_watermark clear. Memory  used:8686452200 allowed:11753753804
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