[rabbitmq-discuss] Auto delete Queue disappears while using with direct exchange.

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Sun Oct 13 21:27:33 BST 2013

On oct 14, 2013, at 12:19 a.m., Rohit Patle <Rohit.Patel2 at techmahindra.com> wrote:

> 1. Is it necessary to declare the exchange prior to create the queue? (my queues have to communicate in one to one manner no need to have functionality like fanout and topic exchange.)

No but you need to have both (and a binding) in place before you publish messages for them
to be routed.

> 2. Is there any drawback of using default exchange functionality wise(queue is auto delete)?

Default exchange is for publishing "directly to a queue". This is orthogonal with auto-deletion.
There are no real drawbacks except that the publisher needs to know the exact queue name.

> 3. Is there any way in rabbitmq-c-master from which I can catch the instance(like error checking method) where exactly my queue is gone died?

It's not exposed to clients.

There are 4 reasons:

 * Queue is deleted using queue.delete
 * Queue was declared as exclusive and the connection that declared it is gone.
 * Queue was declared as auto-delete and the last consumer that was using it is gone or cancelled.
 * Queue had TTL set on it and it has expired.


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