[rabbitmq-discuss] Rejecting Connection

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Tue Jun 18 09:27:11 BST 2013

On 18/06/13 09:16, Michael Klishin wrote:
> 2013/6/18 Umutcan <umutcan at gamegos.com <mailto:umutcan at gamegos.com>>
>     When memory alarm is true, RabbitMQ is blocking incoming
>     connections. But I want it to reject connections, is it possible?
> Not at the moment.

Bear in mind that RabbitMQ doesn't actually block incoming connections 
when the memory alarm is raised. Instead it only blocks connections 
which are publishing; it's perfectly ok for a client to connect and consume.

Also bear in mind that memory alarms are generally very transient, i.e. 
they shouldn't last more than a few seconds. Rejecting connections 
during that time seems a tad severe.

I'm curious what the use case is here.


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