[rabbitmq-discuss] Exclusive queue with no connections still alive & locked

Brian Reischl breischl at gmail.com
Mon Dec 2 16:18:01 GMT 2013

I have run into a situation that seems like it should be impossible, 
assuming I understand everything correctly. 

I have created an Exclusive, AutoDelete queue with a client-specified name. 
The queue is undeletable - delete attempts fail with "405 RESOURCE_LOCKED - 
cannot obtain exclusive access to locked queue". However, there there are 
no connections at all to the server. When I go to the Connections tab in 
the admin UI, it says "... no connections ..." The Queue properties in 
Admin UI says "Exclusive Owner: *unknown*" and "Status: Active". There are 
no publishers or consumers listed. So shouldn't the queue have been deleted 
already, since it is Exclusive? 

This is on my dev machine, so it's not a huge problem. I'm wondering if 
this is a bug in the server code, or merely in my understanding of it. I'm 
using RabbitMQ 3.1.3, Erlang R16B01. 

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