[rabbitmq-discuss] How can RabbitMQ Shovel be configured to overwrite the timestamp property with the current time?

Tim Watson tim at rabbitmq.com
Tue Apr 23 09:45:15 BST 2013


On 22 Apr 2013, at 20:32, Dan LaMotte wrote:
> I'm curious how to write the `publish_properties` in a way so that RabbitMQ Shovel overwrites the timestamp with the current time (as in when the shovel receives the message and *shovels* it onto the destination queue).
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16154421/how-can-rabbitmq-shovel-be-configured-to-overwrite-the-timestamp-property-with-t

I just answered this on SO - TL;DR the answer is that it's not possible. We're looking into some improvements for shovel though, so maybe in a future release. We'll see. If you need help writing custom client code to do this instead, feel free to drop by here or the #rabbitmq IRC channel for assistance.


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