[rabbitmq-discuss] [Q] How can one remove dead nodes from a cluster?

Simon Loewenthal simon at klunky.co.uk
Fri Jun 29 08:52:44 BST 2012

On 28/06/12 13:43, Francesco Mazzoli wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> At Thu, 28 Jun 2012 13:27:30 +0200,
> Simon Loewenthal wrote:
>> How can one remove dead nodes from a cluster?   I expected a command
>> list $ rabbitmqctl remove_cluster rabbit at rabbit1 but did not see one.
> Removing dead node from a cluster is quite tricky - this will change
> in next releases of rabbit.
> The easiest method is to bring up an "impostor" node with the same
> note name as the dead one, `force_cluster' it with some nodes that are
> still in the cluster, and then reseting it. I hope that works for you.
> Francesco.
Hi Francesco ,

    Thank-you for this update.  The dead nodes are in a uat environment
so can likely wait until the next release. Perhaps we can then upgrade
all environment from 2.7.1 to current with this feature.

Does a move from 2.7 to 2.8  on all nodes require just the rpm to be
replaced, or is there any additional configuration due to differences in
releases?   ( Please reply with just search the rabbitmq site if it is
on there and I missed it).


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