[rabbitmq-discuss] Suggestion - Simple Pub/Sub

Alexis Richardson alexis at rabbitmq.com
Wed Jan 11 15:43:31 GMT 2012

What kind of storage do you want to use, and for what use cases?

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Aamir Khan <ak4u2009 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working on a web application in which lots of users can send message to
> a central server. This central server will push message to all the users
> based on topic based filtering. This can be easily accomplished by using
> rabbitMQ. I am using Tornado web server for non blocking asynchronously
> pushing the messages to clients with rabbitMQ as middle ware for the message
> queuing. My point lies in that i also need to store each message into
> database so as to keep record of each. Since the messages won't be very
> structured data so i am planning to have noSQL storage. Can somebody please
> suggest some documentation where rabbitMQ is used in addition to database
> storage ?
> Well, i also read that i can use Redis Pub/Sub to have this feature of
> subscribe and publish model, so i am quite confused whether to go for
> rabbitMQ ?
> Any suggestions are most welcome.
> --
> Aamir Khan | 3rd Year  | Computer Science & Engineering | IIT Roorkee
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