[rabbitmq-discuss] Help pinpointing an error

Tim Watson tim at rabbitmq.com
Fri Aug 31 13:40:41 BST 2012


I note that the Erlang release for Debian Stable is quite old (R14A) and that a couple of important bug fixes were made in ets since then:

- OTP-9181  ETS table type ordered_set could order large integer keys                wrongly on pure 64bit platforms. This is now corrected.  
- OTP-9281  ETS tables using the ordered_set option could potentially get           into an internally inconsistent state.

So I would strongly suggest upgrading to the latest Erlang (R15). The squeeze-backports repo has an 15B version, which should do nicely to remove this from the line up of potential causes.


On 31 Aug 2012, at 13:26, Tim Watson wrote:

> On 31 Aug 2012, at 13:18, Tim Watson wrote:
>> Is that it? It seems like you've pasted only a subset of the log file, and I'd like to know a bit more about what was happening on both nodes when this occurs. Can we see the sasl logs for both nodes too please, and the output of `rabbitmqctl report` for both nodes?
>> _
> I mean for 'the node' not 'both nodes'. Also, what Erlang version are you using (what do you see when running `erl`) ?
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