[rabbitmq-discuss] Problem transferring large message

Zabrane Mickael zabrane3 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 10:34:38 BST 2012

Hi guys,

I asked this question long time ago and the idea was to break our big messages (~50Mb)
in smaller ones (100Kb). Everything was fine after that with the default settings !!!

Hope this help.


On Aug 22, 2012, at 11:36 AM, Emile Joubert wrote:

> Hi Fred,
> On 21/08/12 00:46, fred basset wrote:
>> I have a simple producer and consumer based on the hello world
>> example.  My code works for small messages (sending a 64 byte log
>> file), but for larger messages (a 53KB log file) the receiver never
>> seems to get the message.  I am using all the defaults and am on
>> Ubuntu server using the Pika library.  Any clues as to what could be
>> wrong?
> I tried running your example and it worked fine for me with files of
> several megabytes, as long as the file contents was UTF8. Does the
> broker logfile contain any error messages before or at the time of the
> test? Does the message reach the broker? What is the exact size of the
> largest file you can upload, is the limit fixed, and does this provide
> any clues about where the limit is being imposed?
> -Emile
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