[rabbitmq-discuss] Problem transferring large message

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Wed Aug 22 10:36:15 BST 2012

Hi Fred,

On 21/08/12 00:46, fred basset wrote:
> I have a simple producer and consumer based on the hello world
> example.  My code works for small messages (sending a 64 byte log
> file), but for larger messages (a 53KB log file) the receiver never
> seems to get the message.  I am using all the defaults and am on
> Ubuntu server using the Pika library.  Any clues as to what could be
> wrong?

I tried running your example and it worked fine for me with files of
several megabytes, as long as the file contents was UTF8. Does the
broker logfile contain any error messages before or at the time of the
test? Does the message reach the broker? What is the exact size of the
largest file you can upload, is the limit fixed, and does this provide
any clues about where the limit is being imposed?


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