[rabbitmq-discuss] Per queue message limit

Prashanth meetprashanth437 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 14:19:00 BST 2012

Hi Emile,

Thank you for the response, you mean producers can observer the length of
the queue using one of the rabbitmqctl commands. Is there anything other
way too.


On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Emile Joubert <emile at rabbitmq.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 16/08/12 21:49, Prashanth wrote:
> > Is there a limit on number of messages a queue can hold, and after that
> > threshold is reached reject the future messages.
> > I know there is per-queue message TTL and Queue TTL. But this does not
> > serve my requirements.
> Other than the TTL options you mention, producers can also choose to
> observe the length of a queue and stop when it reaches a limit. There is
> no support for this is in the broker beyond reporting the length of the
> queue.
> > And is there a way to tell the producer that queue has reached the
> > threshold. Produce is transparent to this, but just want to ask the
> group.
> It is difficult to communicate this to the publisher, because publishing
> is an asynchronous operation.
> -Emile
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