[rabbitmq-discuss] Application Architecture Question (topic routing + fanout broadcasting)?

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Tue Aug 14 14:04:12 BST 2012

On 14/08/12 13:39, m.luchak at smartasking.com wrote:
> The exchange to exchange binding is IMHO the way to go.  You can create
> "user" exchanges bound to the origin exchange(s) with the binding keys
> that you require and temp Qs that bind to the "user" exchanges...

I don't think e2e is necessary here...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Andrew Barringer" <abarringer at gmail.com>
> [...]
> The hard part is with a topic exchange/queue only one subscriber is
> going to get an item when it hits the exchange/queue.

That is incorrect. Exchanges route messages to all queues with bindings 
that match the message. Is that not clear from our documentation, in 
particular the tutorials? The topic routing tutorial 
(http://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-five-python.html) even has 
an example illustrating the routing of messages to multiple queues.

So simply give each subscriber their own queue and bind it to the 
exchange with the topic patterns describing their interests.



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