[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ - Service Crash

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Tue Aug 14 10:02:12 BST 2012

Hi Ryan,

On 14/08/12 06:45, Ryan Gunn wrote:
> ** FATAL ** Cannot open log file
> "c:/Users/MyUser/AppData/Roaming/RabbitMQ/db/rabbit at SERVER001-mnesia/rabbit_durable_route.DCL":
> {file_error, 
> "c:/Users/MyUser/AppData/Roaming/RabbitMQ/db/rabbit at SERVER001-mnesia/rabbit_durable_route.DCL",
> system_limit}

Check the OS eventlog. Is there any reason why the OS might prevent a
process from creating the file in question? Try creating the same file
as the same user that the broker runs as and see if you get any errors.


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