[rabbitmq-discuss] Testing Shovel on a WAN

MELIQUE Denis (MORPHO) denis.melique at morpho.com
Mon Apr 2 09:34:36 BST 2012

Thank you Simon.

I also did some testing with federation and compared with Shovel, but not in a clustered configuration.
I have tested only Shovel with clusters. I am going to test federation as well.
For the moment, I preferred using Shovel because federation seems to be less mature.
(not yet included in VMWare support, and many support activity on this forum).
This might be change with the version 2.8.1.
Reading RabbitMQ web site, I now have the feeling that federation is going to be the 
recommended solution, for my kind of application (multi-site through a WAN)
Am I right ?



-----Original Message-----
From: Simon MacMullen [mailto:simon at rabbitmq.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 5:13 PM
Cc: rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] Testing Shovel on a WAN

On 30/03/12 15:50, MELIQUE Denis (MORPHO) wrote:
> - set a two node cluster on local end
> - Have the Shovel plug-In configured on both nodes
>    Each node has its one Shovel setting, with similar parameters except "sources [broker..]" and "destinations [broker...]",
>    That are specific to the node.

Ah, right.

So the shovel does not handle clusters specially at all; if you 
configure the shovel on two cluster nodes you will get two shovels 
running in parallel. Each message will go through one shovel or the 
other, but the order will get mixed up.

Federation is different; in a cluster each federation link will only 
exist once. I wonder if the shovel should be more like federation in 
this regard...

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware
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