[rabbitmq-discuss] LDAP authentication works, but can't login?

Andrew redmumba at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 20:02:10 BST 2011

This is a strange situation.  I had LDAP working on 2.5.1 on my local
machine, but when I installed 2.6.1 on another machine, the same LDAP
settings don't seem to work.  The config file in its entirety is:

      {rabbit, [{auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_ldap]}]},
       [ {servers,               ["ldap.somedomain.net"]},
         {user_dn_pattern,       "uid=$
{username},dc=somedomain,dc=net"} ] }

If I turn on logging, it shows that my authentication is, indeed,
going through, and even that the bind reply is successful:

    =INFO REPORT==== 21-Sep-2011::12:26:03 ===
    LDAP backend: connecting to ["ldap.somedomain.net"]

    =INFO REPORT==== 21-Sep-2011::12:26:03 ===
    LDAP backend: bind request = {'BindRequest',3,
                                    {simple,<<"PASSWORD REMOVED">>}}

    =INFO REPORT==== 21-Sep-2011::12:26:03 ===
    LDAP backend: bind reply = {ok,

But I keep getting denied access.  This is true from both the
management console and the command line scripts for the Management
plug-in.  I have this running on CentOS w/ Erlang R14B and RabbitMQ
1.6.1, plus freshly updated versions of both the LDAP and Management

Has anyone run into this issue?

Thanks in advance,


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