[rabbitmq-discuss] Librabbitmq-c API

David Wragg david at rabbitmq.com
Fri Sep 2 22:37:41 BST 2011

Alex P <oleksandr.petrov at gmail.com> writes:
> As far as I understood, that even though Librabbitmq is event-driven, it
> doesn't mean it's non-blocking, right?

Correct.  librabbitmq does not really support non-blocking use.

> For instance, wait_frame_inner is blocking until we recv() is responding
> with something useful.
> Are there ways to work it around? We actually need some non-blocking
> approach, since we want to be able to send heartbeats and do many other
> things in same thread, while we have no data available.
> Actually, just changing that function would change many things. As far as I
> can tell, Send() calls are currently blocking as well, even though they're
> unlikely to block cycle for long time.
> Should we just use several threads and create a connection per thread, or
> there are better approaches that were built into the lib?

It's better to use threads that to try to persuade librabbitmq to do
non-blocking operation.

> Thanks for the help, again.
> It seems that something is causing basic_get to eat out memory when ran in
> cycle. If i manage to reproduce it without app itself and have more info,
> i'll file a bug-report. For now it may very well be my mistake(

Make sure you call amqp_maybe_release_buffers when you are finished with
each message, as shown at

David Wragg
Staff Engineer, RabbitMQ
VMware, Inc.

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