[rabbitmq-discuss] Needed Info

Kundargi, Shankar shankar.kundargi at hp.com
Thu May 26 20:23:16 BST 2011

Hi Team,
I wanted to know whether there is a way to pint the RabbitMQ Mnesia directory to some directory say for example the default directory for Mnesia now is /var/lib/rabbitmq and I want that to change that to /dev/sda1.
I am using RHEL as the Operating system.

Can you please help me on this.

Thanks & Regards,
Shankar Kundargi|HLS & G Vertical
HP Enterprise Services,BAS India center
39/40 Hewlett Packard Avenue
Electronics City phase I, Bangalore, India 560100
* +91 80 26132098   [office]
"Deserve before you Desire"

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