[rabbitmq-discuss] Interested in writing a RabbitMQ book

Newton Sequeira newtons at packtpub.com
Tue May 3 09:52:16 BST 2011


My name is Newton Sequeiraand I am an Author Relationship Executive at 
Packt Publishing. Packt recently green lit a book on *RabbitMQ* and we 
are now searching for an author to develop the book.

Would anybody be interested in this project? Do contact me with your 
views and recommendations. It could be a single author project or dual 
author if need be. Do feel free to pass the word around.

Thanks for considering this proposal. I would appreciate if you could 
please get in touch.


**Newton Sequeira
** *Author Relationship Executive
Packt Publishing
*www.packtpub.com <http://www.packtpub.com/>
* **MSN*: newtons at packtpub.com
<newtons at packtpub.com%3C> Interested in becoming an author? Visit 
http://authors.packtpub.com for all the information you need about 
writing for Packt.

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