[rabbitmq-discuss] Compatibily between rabbitmq client 2.2.0 and 1.8

David Wragg david at rabbitmq.com
Wed Jan 12 21:38:26 GMT 2011

Hi Pascal,

"pascaldergane at gmail.com" <pascaldergane at gmail.com> writes:
> Could you confirm That of a java rabbitmq 2.2.0 client as producer
> could send message to a rabbitmq 1.8.1 java client consumer via
> rabbitmq 2.2.0 server?  Is There any restrictions?

This should work fine.  The 2.2.0 client will talk AMQP 0.9.1 to the
server, and the 1.8.1 client will talk AMQP 0.8 to the server, but the
exchange, queue, and message models used by the two protocol versions
are basically identical, and there should be no problems with the
clients interchanging messages.


David Wragg
Staff Engineer, RabbitMQ
SpringSource, a division of VMware

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