[rabbitmq-discuss] Access Refused

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Mon Dec 19 04:53:50 GMT 2011


On 18/12/11 05:51, Ari King wrote:
> Whenever my application attempts to connect to the RabbitMQ server
> access is denied because of invalid credentials (see below).

What client library are you using? And what version of rabbit?

> None of the default configurations have been changed.

Are you sure? Check the output of 'rabbitmqctl list_permissions':

$ rabbitmqctl list_permissions
Listing permissions in vhost "/" ...
guest	.*	.*	.*

Also, ensure that the password is correct:

$ rabbitmqctl change_password guest guest
Changing password for user "guest" ...

> I haven't set the RABBITMQ_NODE_IP_ADDRESS; should I set it to the
> RabbitMQ server's IP address?

That has no bearing on authentication.

Failing the above, trace the connection with 
http://www.rabbitmq.com/api-guide.html#tracer or wireshark. Here's a 
trace of a successful connection from the former:

1324269930074: <Tracer-1> ch#0 <- 
{#method<connection.start>(version-major=0, version-minor=9, 
server-properties={product=RabbitMQ, information=Licensed under the MPL. 
  See http://www.rabbitmq.com/, platform=Erlang/OTP, 
consumer_cancel_notify=true, basic.nack=true, publisher_confirms=true}, 
copyright=Copyright (C) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc., version=%%VSN%%}, 
mechanisms=PLAIN AMQPLAIN, locales=en_US), null, "[B at 3dfeca64"}
1324269930127: <Tracer-1> ch#0 -> 
information=Licensed under the MPL. See http://www.rabbitmq.com/, 
platform=Java, capabilities={exchange_exchange_bindings=true, 
publisher_confirms=true, basic.nack=true, consumer_cancel_notify=true}, 
copyright=Copyright (C) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc., version=0.0.0}, 
mechanism=PLAIN, response=guestguest, locale=en_US), null, "[B at 3dfeca64"}
1324269930160: <Tracer-1> ch#0 <- 
{#method<connection.tune>(channel-max=0, frame-max=131072, heartbeat=0), 
null, "[B at 3dfeca64"}
1324269930164: <Tracer-1> ch#0 -> 
{#method<connection.tune-ok>(channel-max=0, frame-max=131072, 
heartbeat=0), null, "[B at 3dfeca64"}
1324269930164: <Tracer-1> ch#0 -> 
{#method<connection.open>(virtual-host=/, capabilities=, insist=false), 
null, "[B at 3dfeca64"}
1324269930199: <Tracer-1> ch#0 <- 
{#method<connection.open-ok>(known-hosts=), null, "[B at 3dfeca64"}

(note the "guestguest" credentials in the connection.start-ok and the 
"/" vhost in connection.open).



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