[rabbitmq-discuss] request for help!

Davorin Rusevljan davorin.rusevljan at gmail.com
Sat Sep 25 17:15:43 BST 2010

On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Alexis Richardson <alexis at rabbitmq.com> wrote:
> Davorin
> In that 'recommended' draft, there are no node types.  So observable
> behaviour is unconstrained.

I was referring to xml nodes and their attributes, that are used
inside xml files to formally define composite files, like one below:

    <type name="source" class="composite" source="map" provides="source">
      <descriptor name="amqp:source:map" code="0x00000001:0x00000208"/>
      <field name="address" type="*" requires="address">
        <error name="address-not-found" type="amqp-error" value="not-found"/>
      <field name="dynamic" type="*" requires="lifetime-policy"/>
      <field name="distribution-mode" type="symbol"
      <field name="filter" type="filter-set"/>
      <field name="default-outcome" type="*"/>
      <field name="outcomes" type="symbol" multiple="true"/>
      <field name="capabilities" type="symbol" multiple="true"/>

While this is nice to get some idea what type source might be, it is
definitely necessary to provide complete explanation what each xml
node means, describe all their attributes, their possible values, and
what they mean all together.

And on my second question, how is reviewer status supposed to work?
Where does one forward remarks and questions? Also is there some forum
for people who would like to consider to implement amqp 1.0?


Davorin Rusevljan

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