[rabbitmq-discuss] Working PHP impl. to send and receive?

Gavin Butler gavinbutler at hushmail.com
Sun Nov 14 21:07:51 GMT 2010

Hello list,

Has anyone had success using a AMQP or Stomp PHP client to both 
send and receive messages from RabbitMQ?  If so, please could you 
post the version of the client/library, and various dependency 

Our RabbitMQ version is 2.1.0, and we have had varying degrees of 
success with AMQP and Stomp (if anyone would like more details, I 
will gladly provide them):

RabbitMQ-C library extensions (http://code.google.com/p/php-amqp/, 
http://code.google.com/p/php-rabbit/): both sent messages with no 
problems, though get or consume failed to retrieve any message 

Pure PHP AMQP (http://code.google.com/p/php-amqplib/): an 
assortment of errors sending.

Fusesource Stomp client 
(http://stomp.fusesource.org/documentation/php/index.html): send 
and subscribe works, though ack does not (invalid body 
terminator...which seems ok: "\x00").

Stomp PHP Extension (http://pecl.php.net/package/stomp): both send 
and receive do not work (no errors, but works fine with ActiveMQ, 

Zend Stomp: sends and receives, though doesn't appear to coexist 
with queues of the same name (and vhost) used by other 



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