[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq-server in macports with erlang R14A

David Wragg david at rabbitmq.com
Mon Jun 28 18:04:55 BST 2010

Because macports has switched to erlang R14A, it is impossible to build
any released version of rabbitmq-server (including 1.7.2, which is in
the central macports repository, or 1.8.0, which is in the rabbitmq
ports repository).

To provide a temporary solution for this problem, I have added a patch
to the rabbitmq-server port in our rabbitmq.com macports repository so
that it will build with Erlang R14A.  Follow the instructions at
<http://www.rabbitmq.com/macports.html> to use it.

Note that this build issue is not the only problem introduced by R14A,
though it is certainly the most significant.  I recommend that
rabbitmq-server users stick to the R13B releases until R14B is ready.
But macports users don't really have a choice at the moment.


David Wragg
Staff Engineer, RabbitMQ
SpringSource, a division of VMware

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