[rabbitmq-discuss] error message trying to start stomp adapter?

Erik Anderson erikba at odysseus.anderson.name
Thu Feb 18 22:02:35 GMT 2010

Okay, I have created a new rabbitmq.config folder and can confirm that
changing the values is affecting the configured startup.  The current
contents of the file are:

	{rabbit_stomp, [{listeners, [{"",6100}]}]},
	{rabbit, [{vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.2}]}

However, there doesn't appear to be any change in the original failure-
to-launch behavior:

=INFO REPORT==== 18-Feb-2010::15:50:11 ===Memory limit set to
818MB.=INFO REPORT==== 18-Feb-2010::15:50:11 ===Rolling persister log
to "c:/tw/comet/rabbitmq-data/db/rabbit-mnesia/
rabbit_persister.LOG.previous"=INFO REPORT==== 18-Feb-2010::15:50:11
===started TCP Listener on REPORT==== 18-
Feb-2010::15:50:27 ===invalid host "" - timeout=INFO
REPORT==== 18-Feb-2010::15:50:27 ===    application: rabbit_stomp
exited: {{invalid_host,"",timeout},
{rabbit_stomp,start,[normal,[]]}}    type: permanent=INFO REPORT====
18-Feb-2010::15:50:27 ===stopped TCP Listener on

Best guess with google came up with the following link:
There's not terribly much in this conversation though.

Whatever this is appears to be very system-specific, if I was able to
run it successfully on one machine but have it fail on another.

So, any other suggestions?

On Feb 6, 12:50 pm, Matthias Radestock <matth... at lshift.net> wrote:
> Erik,
> Erik Anderson wrote:
> > this is the launch line:
> > [...]
> > -rabbit tcp_listeners [{\"""\","5672"}] stomp_listeners
> > [{\"""\","61600"}]
> You must prefix the stomp_listeners option with -rabbit, just like it's
> done for the tcp_listeners option.
> However, that's actually the pre-plugin way of starting stomp. As noted
> in the README of the current version, installing and activating the
> plug-in is all you need to do now to get the stomp adapter wired in and
> started on rabbit startup. And if you want to tweak the listener
> settings then, as Matthew suggested, the best way to do so is by placing
> something like
> [{rabbit_stomp, [{listeners, [{"",6100}]}]}].
> into the rabbitmq.config file (which, given your RABBITMQ_BASE setting,
> should live in c:\tw\comet\rabbitmq-data\rabbitmq.config).
> Regards,
> Matthias.
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