[rabbitmq-discuss] error message trying to start stomp adapter?

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Sat Feb 6 20:50:50 GMT 2010


Erik Anderson wrote:
> this is the launch line:
> [...]
> -rabbit tcp_listeners [{\"""\","5672"}] stomp_listeners
> [{\"""\","61600"}]

You must prefix the stomp_listeners option with -rabbit, just like it's 
done for the tcp_listeners option.

However, that's actually the pre-plugin way of starting stomp. As noted 
in the README of the current version, installing and activating the 
plug-in is all you need to do now to get the stomp adapter wired in and 
started on rabbit startup. And if you want to tweak the listener 
settings then, as Matthew suggested, the best way to do so is by placing 
something like

[{rabbit_stomp, [{listeners, [{"",6100}]}]}].

into the rabbitmq.config file (which, given your RABBITMQ_BASE setting, 
should live in c:\tw\comet\rabbitmq-data\rabbitmq.config).



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