[rabbitmq-discuss] intermittent erl.exe crash

JD Conley jdc at hive7.com
Thu Nov 19 17:27:49 GMT 2009

> JD Conley wrote:
> > My Rabbit is still crashing due to running out of memory with my
> > noack queue.
> Did you check whether your queue sizes are growing? ('rabbitmqctl
> list_queues')

Yes, this appears to be an issue with our use case. I'm going to have to
write a pretty aggressive background cleanup process that goes through and
gets rid of queues we're not consuming anymore.

If I had ever used erlang I might be inclined to create a plug-in or patch
to add something like auto_delete_on_idle for queues and TTL for messages.
If there's anyone listening that might want to do such a thing on a
contract, send me an email off-list.


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