[rabbitmq-discuss] New rabbit access control in tip?

Aaron Feng aaron.feng at gmail.com
Fri May 15 00:19:17 BST 2009


Is this what you are looking for?



On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Eric Windisch <eric at grokthis.net> wrote:

> Is there yet any documentation or information on the new permissions
> system in tip?  From the source, I've figured that the syntax for
> rabbitmqctl set_permissions <username> <regexp> <regexp> <regexp>
> refers to "configuration", "write", "read".   Yet, what these regular
> expressions should be matching is not very clear.
> I realize that this code is probably still in progress, but ACLs is
> something that is essential to me, and I'd like to find out what
> capability this new code provides, and how I can configure user
> permissions in the latest tip.
> Regards,
> Eric Windisch
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