[rabbitmq-discuss] Fwd: question on the faq

Alexis Richardson alexis.richardson at cohesiveft.com
Mon Jan 5 16:55:54 GMT 2009


On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Carl Trieloff <cctrieloff at redhat.com> wrote:
>> If queue lifecyle were defined and its operations were atomic, then
>> that would make it is easier for TX to cover all atomicity cases.
>... so a queue that is created
> during a TXN flow would outlive
> a TX abort as it is not a transnational resource.

Given that you are saying that a queue is not a transactional resource
here, I am not sure how we can be in apparent dispute.

However, as I said, please tell us how to improve the TX language.


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