[rabbitmq-discuss] OpenSolaris Issue

Jason J. W. Williams jasonjwwilliams at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 18:27:27 GMT 2009

Hey Matthias,

Thank you for the detailed info. I don't want to drag through through
an explanation of what the ERL args are causing again. Were the
explaining posts in the thread on the Debian/Ubuntu issue of the same
type? Thank you again.


On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:48 PM, Matthias Radestock <matthias at lshift.net> wrote:
> Jason,
> Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
>> {error_logger,{{1986,12,27},{17,7,50}},"Protocol: ~p: register/listen
>> error: ~p~n",["inet_tcp",einval]}
>> {error_logger,{{1986,12,27},{17,7,50}},crash_report,[[{pid,<0.21.0>},{registered_name,net_kernel},{error_info,{exit,{error,badarg},[{gen_server,init_it,6},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}},{initial_call,{net_kernel,init,['Argument__1']}},{ancestors,[net_sup,kernel_sup,<0.9.0>]},{messages,[]},{links,[<0.18.0>]},{dictionary,[{longnames,false}]},{trap_exit,true},{status,running},{heap_size,233},{stack_size,23},{reductions,344}],[]]}
> That is the same problem as reported by Billy and Christopher. We know what
> the root cause is but haven't got a fix yet. See the posts just a few
> moments before yours.
> Workarounds are:
> - make sure you don't start rabbit from a directory containing single-letter
> file/directory names. If you are using the init.d script, just change the
> line that reads "cd /" to point elsewhere.
> - in /etc/default/rabbitmq, set SERVER_ERL_ARGS to "+K true +A30", or set
> RABBITMQ_SERVER_ERL_ARGS in the shell before starting the broker, or modify
> the setting in the rabbitmq-server script. The downside of all of these is a
> decrease in throughput and an increase in latency.
> - in the rabbitmq-server script, inline the value of
> RABBITMQ_SERVER_ERL_ARGS in the 'erl' call at the end and place single
> quotes around the inet_default_{listen,connect}_options valus, i.e.
> substitute the line
> with
>    +K true +A30 \
>    -kernel inet_default_listen_options
> '[{nodelay,true},{sndbuf,16384},{recbuf,4096}]' \
>    -kernel inet_default_connect_options '[{nodelay,true}]' \
> The downside is that you can no longer change these settings by overriding
> env var settings in the shell or /etc/default/rabbitmq.
> - downgrade to 1.5.0 - that has a bug which means the settings for
> RABBITMQ_SERVER_ERL_ARG are being ignored, which, ironically, is one of the
> reasons we released 1.5.1. The downsides are the same as the last two
> points, plus you are re-introducing the other bugs that were fixed in 1.5.1.
> Matthias

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