[rabbitmq-discuss] [New project] amqp-utils, CLI utilities for AMQP queues

Doug Barth dougbarth at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 15:44:10 GMT 2009

Hello list,

Just a quick note to announce that I released the first version of
amqp-utils to Rubyforge. You can install it using "gem install amqp-

This first version has support for the following operations:
  * enqueuing to a queue (amqp-enqueue)
  * dequeuing from a queue (amqp-dequeue)
  * peeking the contents of the queue (amqp-peek)
  * popping a single message off a queue (amqp-pop)
  * deleting a queue (amqp-deleteq)
  * getting the status (number of messages and consumers) of a queue

Send Github pull requests for any improvements or additions you may

Doug Barth

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