[rabbitmq-discuss] Alice wonderland and RabbitMQ issue

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Mon Dec 21 08:30:56 GMT 2009


Wilson Ke wrote:
> *My rabbitmq work normal,the start information as bellow*
> node          : rabbit at centos

In that case ...

> ./start.sh -alice rabbithost "alice at centos" -setcookie 
> "UD/8aYoam23kYFz4aWO2bA=="

the above should say "rabbit at centos".

Also, the cookie information is wrong; you set it to what rabbit
displays here:

> cookie hash   : UD/8aYoam23kYFz4aWO2bA==

but that is the *hash* of the cookie, not the cookie itself. You can
find the cookie in rabbit's home dir under .erlang.cookie, e.g. given

> home dir      : /root

the cookie should be in /root/.erlang.cookie. The contents of that file
should be supplied to -setcookie.



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