[rabbitmq-discuss] Broker failover

Matthew Sackman matthew at lshift.net
Wed Aug 19 15:45:28 BST 2009


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 03:41:59PM +0100, Matthew Sackman wrote:
> Therefore, if HA and failover is important to you, we'd recommend the
> following:


One further issue with this is that it means really all the nodes need
to manually be configured the same, in terms of queues, exchanges and
bindings. As producers don't know which node they're connected to, this
really demands that:
a) Every producer can attempt configuration whenever it connects; or
b) As consumers may need to be connected to every node, they could do
   the configuration, as they're not in front of the load balancer; or
c) You have some other process that does configuration.

This is definitely one area where the clustered setup saves you effort
as all nodes implicitly get configured in the same way.


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