[rabbitmq-discuss] wct + pubsub
Andrius Norkaitis
Andrius.Norkaitis at oryo.lt
Mon Sep 29 16:35:04 BST 2008
>1) Are you able to do pubsub without using WCF, i.e. using C# on its own?
I think yes. I tested it in command prompt using sendstring and logtail
1. Started 3 instances of CMD
2. In 1 and 2 instates of cmd typed:
logtail dev.rabbitmq.com:5672 sub topic /eTaksi/Hello
3. In instance 3 typed:
sendstring dev.rabbitmq.com:5672 sub topic / eTaksi/Hello "testas7"
Both instances of logtail program got the messeage.
2) What kind of pubsub do you want to do?
Like I said I need many-to-many pubsub:
>>> Publishers would publish orders and they must be delivered to all
>>> Subscribers which are online and matches some criterions (etc.
>>> city,
>> order
>>> type).
Of course I can start using plain rabbitmq c# client, but WCF could add such
benefits as serialization, simpler service model etc.
>> In sendstring example there are this line of code:
>> ch.ExchangeDeclare(ticket, exchange, exchangeType);
>> which specifies exchangeType (I specify topic type in my case).
>> In RabbitMQ.ServiceModel implementation there is no such code so direct
>> exchange is used (see RabbitMQInputChannel.cs and
>This code will use whatever exchange is at the endpoint which you need
>to have declared beforehand.
OK. I use the same exchange as I declared in logtail example. Even I left
these instances running to see if massages are coming.
>If you could send us some sample code of what you want to achieve then
>it will be easier for us to help you efficiently. Would that be
>possible please?
I updated sample of "ConfigDemo" (changed service method to "OneWay" - we
just need to publish and if not specified, replay channel with direct
exchange is created and endpoint address).
I uploaded it to http://rapidshare.de/files/40577065/ConfigDemo.zip.html
1. Start two instances of server.
2. Start client.
If you're still running logtail, then you would see the SOP messages in all
instances, but only one "Hello Bob" message is displayed in Server window.
Sometimes in the first instance, sometimes in another...
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