[rabbitmq-discuss] User Access Control

Ben Hood 0x6e6562 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 27 16:21:51 BST 2008


On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 2:58 PM, Michael Teo <rabbitmq.com at miketeo.net> wrote:
> Am I correct to say that when the realms have been dropped, RabbitMQ
> server implementation will not have any measures to limit the clients to
> be able to subscribe/publish to certain queues or exchanges ?

Not exactly. You can still use vhosts to implement ACLs. They are just
more coarse grained than realms are.

So on a protocol level there is no read/write differentiation - just a
simple access or deny on the vhost.

If you read the last post on that thread, I did discuss the
possibility of doing more fine grained ACLs in a fashion orthogonal to
the protocol.



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