[rabbitmq-discuss] Publish won't work without transaction?

Ben Hood 0x6e6562 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 23:21:18 BST 2008


On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 10:19 PM, tsuraan <tsuraan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, that somewhat works.  So now I must be flooding it with too much
> data, so it's dropping most of the messages (of the 1,000 I send,
> about 400 get enqueued).  I guess that's the difference between using
> a reliable transaction and just flooding the server with messages
> then?

So how do you know whether they're enqueued or not?

> Is there a way that I can tell whether the message I sent was dropped
> by the server?

You can run rabbit_amqqueue:stat_all() in the shell.

> Getting rid of immediate did enqueue ~40% of the
> messages that I sent, in under a second, but I'd really like all my
> messages to be enqueued.  Is there a way to do that that won't take
> over a minute?

That shouldn't take a minute even with a TX per message and logging to disk.

I think something may not be quite right with your setup.

> I guess my basic question is, what's the fastest way to send a message
> such that I will either know it's delivered to a queue or get an error
> saying it wasn't.

Either with a transaction or by setting up a return handler (and
setting the mandatory flag).

BTW, when I run this code:


import sys
from time import time
import amqplib.client_0_8 as A

q = "q-%d" % int(time())

conn = A.Connection("", "guest", "guest")
chan = conn.channel()

chan.queue_declare(queue=q, auto_delete=True, durable=False)

for i in range(1000):
   print i
   m = A.Message(str(i), delivery_mode=1)
   print chan.basic_publish(m, "", q, mandatory=True, immediate=False)

and then in the shell

rabbit at xlr8)3> rabbit_amqqueue:stat_all().

which would indicate that 1000 messages got enqueued.

And maybe this is a stupid question, but why are you enqueuing stuff?
Don't you want it to be delivered?



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