[rabbitmq-discuss] Experimental STOMP adapter available

Tony Garnock-Jones tonyg at lshift.net
Thu Feb 28 08:08:28 GMT 2008

Hi Derek,

Derek Wischusen wrote:
> Thank you for creating this adapter.  I just tested it out with the
> ActionScript (Flash/Flex) Stomp client and everything seemed to work quite
> well.  If anyone is interested, I wrote up a short post about it here:
> http://flexonrails.net/?p=106.

Awesome post!

> Are you planning on adding any custom AMQP specific extensions to the
> protocol like ActiveMQ does for JMS (see
> http://activemq.apache.org/stomp.html)?  It looks like there is already one
> for specifying an exchange. Do you think you might add others?

Yes. I want to keep to the protocol definition as closely as possible, 
but to provide extensions to allow people to use more of the 
AMQP-specific features that are available. You're right about the 
exchange extension. So far, refreshing my memory by looking at the code, 
the extensions are:

  - "virtual-host" and "realm" headers on CONNECT, for exploiting
    RabbitMQ's implementation of AMQP's authorization features
  - "exchange" on SEND - if omitted, the default ("") exchange is used

If you have anything in mind you'd like to see added, please let me 
know. I need feedback to decide what direction to take the STOMP adapter in.


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