[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq-c - "SSL peer cert verification failed"

Dan Berger dberger at fiveringscapital.com
Thu May 29 16:36:39 BST 2014

I used openssl to extract the CA cert, the certificate chain and the private key into 3 separate file and now I’m running:

   openssl s_client -connect myhost.com:50010 -key test.key -cert test.crt -CAfile test.cac -verify 10

and I get “Verify return code: 0 (ok)” which I think means success. I still get the same error when running my app with those 3 files.

Any other thoughts?

On Thursday, May 29, 2014 12:10 AM, Dan alan.antonuk at gmail.com wrote:

You need to provide both the certificate chain file and the private key file (they're not the same file).

To debug this with the openssl s_client command, you'll need to pass in the -verify, -key and -cert flags with appropriate values.


On Wed May 28 2014 at 7:45:52 AM, Dan Berger <dberger at fiveringscapital.com<mailto:dberger at fiveringscapital.com>> wrote:
I’m just starting development on a c++ client app to connect to a vendor’s server.

I’m trying the SimpleAmqpClient library which is built on top of rabbitmq-c.

The provided a self-signed client certificate in .p12 format that I’ve converted to .pem. This contains a public and private key and also a CA public key.

I’m now trying to connect while providing the .pem file as the CA cert, client cert and client private key.

While connecting, I get:
  what():  Error setting client certificate for socket: SSL peer cert verification failed

Digging into rabbitmq-c, I see this is due to the call to amqp_ssl_socket_set_key failing.

Running openssl s_client seems to work fine, so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. Any ideas?

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