[rabbitmq-discuss] frame size eror: source F5 Loadbalancer

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed May 28 09:20:27 BST 2014

On 23/05/14 10:22, Stephen Ehlas wrote:
> We have a curious situation with RabbitMQ. When the clients try to
> connect directly to a rabbitMQ node, all is ok. When we pass them
> through our F5 load balancer, the 3^rd connection attempt is aborted.
> The load balancer is set to round robin. In the RabbitMQ logs we see this:
> /=ERROR REPORT==== 22-May-2014::15:25:36 ===/
> /AMQP connection <0.13650.16> (closed), channel 19793 - error:/
> /{amqp_error,frame_error,/
> /            "type 65, all octets = <<>>:
> {frame_too_large,1342177289,131064}",/
> /            none}/

This indicates that an AMQP protocol header - i.e. 
'A','M','Q','P',0,0,9,1 - was sent on a connection that has already gone 
through that handshake.

My guess is that the load balancer is routing a new client connection to 
an existing server connection.


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