[rabbitmq-discuss] CRITICAL:pika.connection:Attempted to send frame when closed

shilpa karkera shilpa.karkera at finoux.com
Wed May 28 04:41:52 BST 2014

Yep, got it! Thank you for the explanation. checking it out right away!

On Tuesday 27 May 2014 08:33 PM, Steve Powell wrote:
> What Michael meant to type is:
> On 27 May 2014, at 14:05, Michael Klishin <mklishin at gopivotal.com 
> <mailto:mklishin at gopivotal.com>> wrote:
>> Each thread
>> should have its own /*_channel_*/(e.g. open one right after it is 
>> started), then
>> you won't have this connection error. 
> Steve Powell [/Cell/: +44-7815-838-558]
> /    Good design/ […]/is as little design as possible. /Dieter Rams

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