[rabbitmq-discuss] Error in Rabbitmq 3.3.1 and Node getting down frequently..

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Thu May 22 11:47:21 BST 2014

On 22/05/14 11:40, Rohit Mukherjee wrote:
> RabbitMQ nodes are getting shutdown automatically , Can you please
> suggest how should I fix the issue ..Please find the Log Strace Below

The log message:

> =INFO REPORT==== 22-May-2014::09:58:08 ===
> Halting Erlang VM

will only ever be logged if something outside the server specifically 
instructs it to shut down. That's not something that the server will 
ever decide to do for itself.

So you need to find what external thing is stopping the server.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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