[rabbitmq-discuss] Plugin example using Rebar to manage dependancies

Mark DeVilliers Mark.deVilliers at Aeriandi.com
Thu May 22 09:51:37 BST 2014

Thanks Simon, Michael,

The explanation about the wrapper project and how to include it is exactly what I'm looking for. 

Thanks again,

From: Simon MacMullen [simon at rabbitmq.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 9:37 AM
To: Discussions about RabbitMQ; Mark DeVilliers
Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] Plugin example using Rebar to manage dependancies

On 22/05/2014 09:14, Mark DeVilliers wrote:
> Failing that is there any guidance for managing dependencies rather than
> copying them into the plugin? A link to a working example would be awesome.

If using the RabbitMQ build system, you need a -wrapper repository for
each external dependency. This will clone the original project, patch it
as needed and build a .ez from it. The one for webmachine is probably
the simplest: http://hg.rabbitmq.com/webmachine-wrapper/. See the
package.mk file for where most things happen.

Then the plugin using it just needs to add the -wrapper project to its
DEPS line:


Cheers, Simon

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