[rabbitmq-discuss] 3.3.1 Management Console: "Not Found"

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Wed May 21 18:10:51 BST 2014

On 20/05/14 17:49, Greg Poirier wrote:
> The RAM node (may be a red herring, not sure) is currently displaying
> only: "Not Found" when I attempt to connect to the management console.

Hmm. I know this may sound a bit... obvious, but that is what you'd see 
if browsing to a URL with something unwanted on the end, e.g. 
http://server-name:15672/typo - so are you sure that's not happening?

> rabbitmqctl status says that the management plugin is up and running:

Hmm, what does

$ rabbitmqctl eval 'rabbit_web_dispatch_registry:list_all().'


Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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