[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ 3.3.0 Can not login with Open Ldap

dwang7630 at gmail.com dwang7630 at gmail.com
Tue May 20 11:45:48 BST 2014

*Dear All*
*I'm config plugin LDAP for RabbitMQ 3.3.0. And this is the contents of 
config file*

> *[  {rabbit, [     {tcp_listeners, [{"",5672}]},    
>  {ssl_listeners, [{"",5671}]},     {ssl_options, 
> [{cacertfile,"/etc/rabbitmq/ssl/nvca/cacert.pem"},                    
> {certfile,"/etc/rabbitmq/ssl/server/cert.pem"},                    
> {keyfile,"/etc/rabbitmq/ssl/server/key.pem"},                    
> {verify,verify_none},                    {fail_if_no_peer_cert,false}]},    
>  {heartbeat, 15},     {vm_memory_high_watermark_paging_ratio, 0.75},    
>  {vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.4},     {auth_backends, 
> [{rabbit_auth_backend_ldap, rabbit_auth_backend_internal},                  
>         rabbit_auth_backend_internal]},     {disk_free_limit, 40000000000}  
> ]},  {rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap,   [ {servers,               
> [""]},     {user_dn_pattern,       
> "cn=${username},dc=scholar,dc=com"},     {dn_lookup_base,       
>  "dc=scholar,dc=com"},     {other_bind,           
> {"cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=scholar,dc=com","eRwFTGDFTooNI5ca"}},    
>  {use_ssl,               false},     {port,                  389},    
>  {log,                   network},     {tag_queries,           
> [{administrator, {constant, true}},                                    
> {management,    {constant, true}}]}   ]  }].*

*After that, i'm try login, but fail. And this is a log file *

> *=INFO REPORT==== 20-May-2014::02:39:58 ===Server startup complete; 10 
> plugins started. * amqp_client * eldap * mochiweb * 
> rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap * rabbitmq_auth_mechanism_ssl * 
> rabbitmq_federation_management * rabbitmq_management * 
> rabbitmq_management_agent * rabbitmq_web_dispatch * webmachine=INFO 
> REPORT==== 20-May-2014::02:40:04 ===LDAP CHECK: login for david.wang=INFO 
> REPORT==== 20-May-2014::02:40:04 ===        LDAP filling template 
> "cn=${username},dc=scholar,dc=com" with            
> [{username,<<"david.wang">>}]=INFO REPORT==== 20-May-2014::02:40:04 ===    
>     LDAP template result: "cn=david.wang,dc=scholar,dc=com"=INFO REPORT==== 
> 20-May-2014::02:40:04 ===    LDAP connecting to servers: 
> [""]=INFO REPORT==== 20-May-2014::02:40:04 ===    LDAP network 
> traffic: bind request = {'BindRequest',3,                                  
>         "cn=david.wang,dc=scholar,dc=com",                                  
>         {simple,<<"abc123a@">>}}=INFO REPORT==== 20-May-2014::02:40:04 ===  
>   LDAP network traffic: bind reply = {ok,                                  
>       {'LDAPMessage',1,                                        
>  {bindResponse,                                          
> {'BindResponse',invalidCredentials,                                        
>    [],[],asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE}},                                      
>    asn1_NOVALUE}}=INFO REPORT==== 20-May-2014::02:40:04 ===    LDAP bind 
> returned "invalid credentials": cn=david.wang,dc=scholar,dc=com=INFO 
> REPORT==== 20-May-2014::02:40:04 ===LDAP DECISION: login for david.wang: 
> denied=ERROR REPORT==== 20-May-2014::02:40:04 ===webmachine error: 
> path="/api/whoami""Unauthorized"*

*I'm read "Common errors encountered when using OpenLDAP Software" on 
website openldap.org. *
*And know The error usually occurs when the credentials (password) provided 
does not match the userPassword held in entry you are binding to, or the 
error can also occur when the bind DN specified is not known to the server.*
*After that i'm check both, but it's correct.*

*This is the LDAP information*
> *LDAP Base DN dc=scholar,dc=comLDAP Bind DN 
> cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=scholar,dc=comLDAP Bind Password eRwFTGDFTooNI5ca*

Anybody help me please.
Thanks & Regards...!!! 
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